Thursday, January 1, 2009

#4: a church alive in Christ

So since a good portion of the people reading this are probably people I know through some church thing or another, and because church is a big part of life in Sabana Grande, I thought I'd tell you a little bit about the church I attend here in Nicaragua. Needless to say, it is a lot different than church in the States.. or at least, Methodist churches I've been to in the States.

I was thinking about this during church one evening and trying to pinpoint the main difference between church here and Methodist churches at home. And I realized that while there are obvious differences like the fact that they memorize all of their hymns or that the women and men (as a general custom, not as a mandatory thing) sit on opposite sides of the sanctuary, there was one overwhelming thing that differentiates the services.


The people here are passionate about worship. It is a feeling, a tangible thing- it seems to hang in the air, in the music, words, and even in silence. And it's not just that the Holy Spirit is there with us when we worship, because I believe that no matter the occasion, the Holy Spirit is always there. It is a feeling of desire- of truly wanting to be there, even needing to be filled.

Granted, this isn't everyone's style.. I totally acknowledge and appreciate the more intellectual, socially-minded approach that is in the churches I grew up in. But think about what these churches could do with a bit of passion- in worship and in the community. I think it would make a big difference.

So anyway, this isn't necessarily a call to arms to change everything about your churches, Methodists who are reading this.. just some food for thought and things I've been noticing.

Hope you all had a nice New Year's Eve (which this church celebrates with a 4 hour church service) and you'll hear from me again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Maddie. In reading all your posts and checking out your pictures on Facebook, it looks and sounds like you're having an incredible time.

    I agree with you - churches around here could definitely use a good dose of passion. I've never been in a third world country, but I've met people who have come from them, and their faith seems so much more alive - like the Holy Spirit has taken their souls and taught them to fly.

    Prayers are going out for you! Spread massive amounts of love!

    ~Ellen Pavlacka~
